Happy Birthday to me! And let me just say that as a 15 minute old blogger, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing! It took me the afternoon just to write the profile! But I am here to learn. And to tell stories. Being that only maybe three of you reading this even know anything about online journaling, it's pretty safe to say that you won't notice if I screw up anyway. So on with the show!
My purpose... and I do have one. I'm moving to a land far, far away in less than two months. Japan. I shall be turning Japanese! But not in the naughty way that the song says. And really not turning Japanese because that is just not possible this far out of the womb. I digress. (You will notice I may do this often. Please forgive.) I will be living and breathing all things Japanese and yet I have only just touched on learning the many things that I will need to know about the culture, the people, the language. My plan here is to share with my family and friends all the ridiculousness that I will be involved in. You all know me and know this is true.
I would love to sit in front of the computer and write 50 emails a day to all of my lovely friends back home. No offense, but I just do not see this happening. First of all, I hate being on the computer. Second, I am moving to a foreign country y'all! What lame ass would sit on the computer all day?! I will be busy acting out of the poor, defenseless Japanese so I have stories to share. Third, I really hate the placement of our mouse at home. It gives me shoulder cramps to be on the computer more than 30 minutes because the clicky thing is just so darn high. Am such a sissy. And fourth, I actually will indeed have something called work to do despite what the husband has told you. I just no longer will be paid for it. Unemployed/Student status here I come!
So the plan is to write my little stories here. Because I like to write! If you want to read it, feel free. If you don't, I don't really care. Ok - I care a little but that is because I am uber sensitive. See told you I was a sissy. I just have always felt kind of icky deep, down inside sending group emails to friends. It's so impersonal! Especially if they really couldn't care less. (But then, do you call them friends?... hmm... quandary.) I just hate feeling like I am forcing myself on anyone. Online journaling seemed like the best alternative to not be so in your face. Please feel free to comment too! That's done with the little clicky thing in the bottom corner that says "Comments." Not being condescending, just helpful and hopeful. Please don't tell me I suck though. I know, I know. If you write online, you are opening yourself up and letting strangers into your world. So I guess anyone I don't know can tell me I suck. But if anyone I know tells me anything of the sort, I will beat their ass. Oh, yes! I will. I know where you live and I will still be able to get you. Even if only for two months. After that, I guess you can say whatever the h-e-double hockey sticks you want. If anyone Japanese says anything about me though, watch out! I could totally take you! I'm totally bad ass! Yeah! Okay, okay... I kid! Am very scared. Please don't hurt me or I will have to scratch you like the girly girl I am.
The disgressing!
That is the plan, people. Hope you like it! Hope you read it! And I really don't care if you don't! *sniff*
Lessons from my Covid Orchid
6 days ago
I love it! What a great way to kick off a new adventure... of course you know I will know become a faithful daily reader of kimono karen! :)
I will look forward to reading your posts often. I think it's a wonderful way to stay connected with everyone!!! As usual, I think you were very critical/hard on yourself. You're a great writer and you always have funny stories to tell. God only knows all of the crazy things that are going to occur once you get there. I can't wait to hear about it all. Oh, and if anyone has anything negative to say about you, I'll put them in a head lock!!!
Jenna is totally serious, all. I've seen her do it. He was even forced to marry me under said duress.
It's perfect! I look forward to reading about your adventures in Japan. I'll be a daily reader (and commenter). Bring on the cute stories and lots of pictures!
Karen..what a great idea! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.it will be just like you are only a computer away :)
Great Idea!! It will be like reading a book as it is written!!! I want pics eventually though. If you remember my request--photo of Karen in the busy street among all the locals. You will definitely stand out in a crowd there.
You know I have to say, I find it totally ironic that our lives have taken us so far apart from each as we grew up and I had no problems with it. Maybe because I always thought that we could meet up in PA for a quick weekend whenever we pleased. But now that you're moving to Japan...well I'm really going to miss you. And I can't wait to come visit you so we'll have some more insanely crazy and goofy (it's us, how could it not be goofy?) stories to share with our family!
Love it...love it...love it! I can't wait to hear more! You are an incredible person Karen! Have a great time in Japan. This is the perfect adventure for such an amazing person. I've always thought of you as a real risk taker. This move only proves that I was right and that you are willing to go the distance to fulfill your dreams. You go girl! Love ya and thanks for opening the door for a real relationship with me. I value it with my whole heart!
Love it...love it...love it! I can't wait to hear more! You are an incredible person Karen! Have a great time in Japan. This is the perfect adventure for such an amazing person. I've always thought of you as a real risk taker. This move only proves that I was right and that you are willing to go the distance to fulfill your dreams. You go girl! Love ya and thanks for opening the door for a real relationship with me. I value it with my whole heart!
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