Did you ever experience a time where you had family or friends visiting you and the time flew by with not a single moment being a bad one, or even a slow one? Well, I have.
My cousin Chris and her daughter Erika were dropped off at the airport today after a week long visit. Them on their way back to the States and me back to my home in Japan, I got suddenly wistful for these last days spent with them. As I parked the car and walked slowly to the house, big fat crocodile tears appeared out of nowhere. The house was empty of their voices and their presence… back to being filled with only my husband and myself. I would have given anything to hear one of Erika’s made-up songs in that quiet moment. After only a week with them here, I can’t begin to fathom being alone again. I feel like I have lost my best friend. The funny thing about my sorrows is this… Chris and I rarely get to see one another. She and Erika lived rather far from me when I was in the States. Erika - I had only seen a few times before in her entire life. But boy does that girl leave an imprint. Chris has been a lifelong hero to me although she never knew it until a few years ago. Having her here these past days only reminded me again why that was so.
We had so many wonderful adventures while they were here. It will have to be another day for those stories. Right now I just need some time… time to miss them more than they know.
Lessons from my Covid Orchid
1 week ago
1 comment:
After time, the memories become as good as the visit was, if not better. Time to start planning for the next "tour group".
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