If just the pure torture of dealing with the whatnot of the holiday wasn’t enough, my little soiree into the real world cost me even more. I mentioned my blood pressure was being uncooperative in yesterday’s post? Well, before I even got out of bed this morning, I started taking it again only to discover that it was slowly rising. I knew if I waited to tell command, he would rip me a new one, so I instantly called OB/GYN. Who then told me to call Labor and Delivery. Who then passed me to a nurse that insisted that I drive my butt in there within the hour or else they would call back again and again until I showed. I pulled on the first dirty outfit I found on the floor, shoved my contacts in and squished make-up on in an not-so-nice fashion and was on my way. All is well. I guess. For now, we are just going to call it chronic pregnancy high blood pressure and not give it any bigger names just yet. I now get to go back and see my friendly doctors much more frequently than the planned trips every four weeks. And I get to do one horrible test that I haven’t had to do since last September when I spent time with my buddy-ole-pal-ole-friend, my ex kidney stone.
Perhaps it serves me right. Perhaps I should have listened to Kimono command. I blame lack of acceptable programming for not being able to keep my butt on the couch. Because it certainly can’t be my own headstrong ways.
Don't be a pain in the ass damn it! You need to take care of yourself and the little one or else you might find out what bed rest is like. C'mon woman - listen to your hubby for once and stop being so darned head strong. This is important! You still have a few weeks to go and high blood pressure is nothing to be screwing around with. So don't mess this up or you'll force me to kick your ass! Got it?
I am! I am taking it easy! Seriously, I watched the whole damn season 2 set of Brothers and Sisters in two days while laying on the couch! I'm just also so bored. At least I did call the doctor when it got high enough that I was truly concerned. I would never do anything to hurt the critter. I just wish he would give me these last seven weeks to enjoy instead of laying around making my butt even bigger. :)
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