Let me tell you this... YES! I know we are ahead of schedule with getting acclimated to Japan, but don't for a minute think that some days I don't want to knock out whoever the lucky person is in front of me.
Yesterday was crap. Kimono Hubby went back to work and I took care of what should have been a few easy errands. We had final car registrations to handle. Someone did part of this for us but unfortunately got behind schedule and didn't get back until much later than I expected. Okay, I just need to move faster and catch up! Easy enough. I stop for a very quick bite to eat and then I head to the hospital to get a prescription filled. A task of which took me almost two damn hours. I was sent from one desk to another then to another building, back to the second desk, back to the first and then second and first... you get the picture. At 2, I leave with the prescription and head to yet only errand number two for the day.
I have no cell service in the hotel because it is your basic concrete and steel block. And it is considered impolite to talk on your cell phone in a lot of public places. So I found a bench where I tried to make some realtor calls and make appointment for two places that I had heard about only on Friday. As I sat there, trucks would continually drive by and block out what the person I called was saying to me. Highly frustrating. Why are trucks even allowed on the roads? Anway, I gave up playing nice and found a quiet spot in the back of a restaurant where I hoped no one would be too offended. From there, I called the people back only to find out that now... on Monday... the places have already rented. I made a few other calls but no one had anything to show me so I called it quits with the househunt for the day and headed to the library and check my email. First email I respond to, the system crashes and the desk tells me it will be a few hours until they are back up and running. Lady luck must not be much of a lady today.
It's time to pick up Kimono Hubby anyway to do the final step in registering the car. I get there ten minutes early (a damn miracle for me) and wait. And wait. And wait! He comes out with only five minutes to spare before the offices closing time. As we walked in, they were putting the closed sign on the door. Thank goodness we made it or it would have been an extra special night for KH. We have dinner, call it a day and head back to the hotel. I am thinking la-la-la thoughts to get myself in a better mood and looking forward to even the paid internet usage at the hotel. But guess what wasn't working? Of course not. Why would the evening be any better than the day?
Tuesday morning and I am ready to go. I have realtors appointments today... not totally what I am looking for but I might as well check it out. After the first appointment, I decide I have a few minutes to go to the mall and treat myself to something special for my birthday. The day of which I am already dreading as I am missing all of you tremendously! I so wish that you would be here to spend time with me and we would enjoy the usual debauchery. However, retail therapy should help my incredible sadness as it has always been a good friend. WRONG! I think we have broken up and the mall just forgot to call and tell me. I took my little conversion chart with me but it refused to help! First, I couldn't read the sizes because there were multiple numbers and nothing matches anything close to my chart. Second, what wasn't a number was in Japanese and hell if I can read that. I gave up and, with head down low from the weight of my depression, I headed back to my car.
As if the gods weren't laughing hard enough at this point... the damn box won't start. That's right, folks! The same box that I just purchased on Friday. Oh, yeah... did I mention that it is pouring down raining today? Blah, blah, baby poohcakes...
It is fixed now. Or so they said. How would I know? I'm just some silly American chick who has to take their word on it.
So I come to spill my sadness and depression onto the internet because that is what normal people do, right? And what do I find in my email? Loving, warm, happy birthday messages! I kid not at all about this when I say... I cried. Hard.
You all have erased my exasperation with just a few kind words and made it a better day. Everything you said reminds me of what is important in this world and the past two days mean nothing because my friends love me and are always with me, both near and far. And that is all I ever need in this world. Thank you all for the very best birthday present a girl could ever ask for... the love of a good friend! It will be a brighter, happier day indeed because I will be carrying your acts of love with me.
Lessons from my Covid Orchid
6 days ago
hhhhmmmm....sounds like you need a "blue sky holiday"
Because you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Ok - now that I've completely ruined that song, let me add another for you:
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Kkkkkkaaaaaarrrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnnn
Happy birthday to you!
Love and miss you - keep smiling!
I didn't Know it was your b'day!! Happy, happy, happy birthday to you! I hope that they have some ooey, gooey birthday treat for you to enjoy!
I'm no quitter! I'm heading back to the mall today... this time to the expensive Tysons Corner type mall! That will show them. And I'm going to spend $60 on the stupid umbrella I saw a few days ago. A guaranteed feel better event... except for the buyers remorse tomorrow.
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