Guess what I did last night… I slept! In a bed! And it was truly wonderful. I had no idea I really missed it that much. It makes the world such a sunnier, nicer place to be.
Overall, it was a really great night. Originally, I had made a plan to partake in the **FREE!** hotel happy hour every day for the next ten days. Did you hear what I said?… **FREE!** Angels in heaven, thank you!
Then the fact that I have been missing so much sleep and just been so anxiety-ridden for weeks now, I had made up my mind to skip it for the first night. I am quite the slacker some days.
Now guess how weak I am. I walk in the hotel door and Kimono Hubby says… “hey, let’s go to happy hour.” My response… “um, okay.”
Really took a heavy arm twisting, wouldn’t you say?
Precedence has been set and now I have to go every night. It’s rough being me.
And after every **FREE!** happy hour, I get to go sleep in a bed again! Life. It is good.
Lessons from my Covid Orchid
6 days ago
Dear Karen,
Well, as the good-bye time crept up on all of us, I have to admit my heart did some jumpy stuff for you two.
My mind thinks your insane, while my heart envies and respects your bravery and sense of adventure.
Having been so cavalier about my own adventures at your age, I now understand why my family though I had a few loose nuts and bolts.
Nevertheless, who could possibly want you to turn your backs on such a beautiful opportunity? That is the bittersweet paradox!
We all look forward to vicariously experiencing your experiences, as you share photos and your thoughts and feelings about this fascinating treasure called Japan.
Know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers, as our faith assures us you are always in good hands.
Love you,
Aunt Kathy
12:13:06 PM
P.S. This same comment is in your 7/12 blog. I do not know why it went into there; I had it set up to go into this one. So, ignore it or delete it if you can.
hey there,
i only have your work e-mail address (what's your gmail name?) I just wanted to say 'hi' and wish you safe travels. I'm sure you must be overcome with emotions right now. You and Greg are going to have the time of your lives. I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to hear all about everything. E-mail me when you get there and travel safe! Love, Jen
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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